Saturday, October 10, 2009

Snow Is Here!

We woke up to this! SNOW!
Too soon, I say, TOO SOON!
We had a really wet, mild "they" say we are in for a wet, snowy winter.
All I can say is my poor flowers. I wasn't ready to say good bye.


Erica said...

I didn't know if I could believe it when the news people kept saying snow. You know they aren't always right- but then last night I promised the boys ice cream. Well I think we were the ONLY crazies thinking ice cream was a good idea when it was snowing.

Jen J. said...

Wow! That's a lot of snow! I'm not ready for it here yet either. I hope it holds off a little bit longer!

Gunnell Fam said...

Looks like a long winter ahead! Hope your kids like to play in the snow. :) That's crazy. I think it's too soon, too.

Unknown said...

Okay first of all you blogged before I did (what is this world coming to) second we were watching home videos of our trip there last August and the kids were dying. We want to be there so bad!!! Darn money...why oh why can't it grow on trees????

Unknown said...

Oh and are you feeling like a background change???? Something festive????

Spaces for Faces said...

Wow! I guess I better start watching the news. I had no idea snow was headed your way. It does seem awful early! Hopefully it will melt and give you a little break. Otherwise, it is going to be a very long winter!

Brittany said...

Wow! That's pretty early. It looks cool with all your Halloween decorations, though! It was weird to see these pictures, especially since we just got back from a hike in shorts and t-shirts and perfect weather! Have fun with the snow!

tbod said...

Hi Family, How fun for you!!! I remember you kids loving snow no matter what month it came. What do your kids think? It looks pretty, especially with your cute Halloween Decorations. Enjoy, I'm guessing it won't last too long. Love, Mom and Dad B.

Melissa said...

Crazy, wasn't it? I hadn't heard we are in for a wet, snowy winter... great. Just the reason I left Minnesota!

Thanks again for helping me out this morning. :)