Friday, December 26, 2014

DC Temple, Rock Creek Park and the National Cathedral

Rain or shine you still take a day trip!
We knew it was going to be a rainy day, but we decided that we would still head into Maryland and Washington DC anyway.  One thing we have learned is that if you wait for the perfect sunny day you may miss out! There is a variety of weather that happens in this area.  Umbrellas are a must and after owning only one for most of our marriage, we now have one for each member of the family.

Washington DC Temple

We had a break in the rain to be able to walk around and really enjoy this beautiful temple.

Rock Creek Park

This is a really long narrow green area that stretches between Maryland and into DC.  Because of the rain we couldn't spend much time walking around as we would have liked to, but we were able to take full advantage of the nature center and planetarium that they have there.

Ethan absolutely loves Bald Eagles and was excited to get his picture with this stuffed one.

National Cathedral

By the time we got to the cathedral it was closed for tours so we just walked around outside and enjoyed the beautiful grounds and amazing architecture.

There was a lot of scaffolding around the building do to the repairs needed after a earthquake that had happened recently did a lot of damage.

~ August 23, 2014 ~

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